Have your explored theĀ financial feasibility of your practice?

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How much revenue does it require?

How are you going toĀ generateĀ that revenue?

Whether you're cold-starting, purchasing, or an established practice owner, gain the clarity you need about your practice's future with Akrinos' Financial Forecast & Feasibility Analysis.

Let's Get Started

In The Next 30 Days, You Could…

  • Have your cold-start loan secured for your financially feasible practice
  • Be on the path to making your practice purchase profitable
  • See increased revenue by implementing strategic, actionable changes in your existing practice 
Let's Get Started

The Financial Forecast & Feasibility Analysis

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After completing an in-depth survey about the dreams and goals for your practice, we will provide you with a comprehensive report which includes:

  • Your practice's monthly revenue requirement
  • The doctor days, fees, & conversion rates required to reach your production goals
  • Revenue & expense modeling to forecast and analyze income and expenditures
  • 3-year snapshot with key financial and production metrics to easily assess your practice's performance

Additionally, you will receive:

  • A 30-minute 1:1 meeting to discuss the analysis and your immediate next steps

  • 30-day access to your own Financial Forecast & Feasibility Analysis Sandbox

Let's get started!

Make sure your practice is on the right path!

Financial Forecast & Feasibility Analysis


List Price

After checkout, you'll receive a link to our detailed questionnaire regarding your vision for your practice. Once we've received your completed questionnaire, your Analysis will be delivered within 2 business days.

Purchase Now

What's your strategy?

Our Strategic Business Plan isn't just for new businesses - all businesses need to have a strategy in place and we'll help you formulate it! From your mission, vision, and purpose, to in-depth local market research, and even creating your ideal patient avatar, this Strategic Business Plan will be your practice's guiding light for years to come.

Upgrade to Business Foundations


List Price

You'll receive:

  • Financial Forecast & Feasibility Analysis
  • Revenue Goals based onĀ your vision for your practice
  • 3 years of relevant KPIsĀ 
  • 30-day access to your Financial Feasibility Sandbox
  • Strategic Business Plan tailored for your practice
  • In-depth Market Analysis focusing on eyecare-related trends
  • 1-hour 1:1 session with one of our experts
Purchase Now

"Partnering with Akrinos is positioning me to achieve the highest level of success in my cold start."

"Honing-in on goals and unrealized opportunities, we are becoming more efficient, profitable, and focused. Akrinos brings value in ways I couldn't even have imagined"

"Akrinos provides me with the goals I need to begin my journey, and they are professional, knowledgable, and passionate about their work."