$99.00 USD

12 monthly payments

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The DIY Launchpad

Are you ready to cold-start your eye care practice or add a location to your established practice? The DIY Launchpad is the premier do-it-yourself solution to cold-start a modern practice!  

What you'll get:

  • Comprehensive Do-It-Yourself guide to plan, develop, & launch your dream practice!
  • 122 Lessons Presented Across 11 Modules: 
    • Constructing your Financial Forecast & Feasibility Analysis
    • Creating your Strategic Business Plan
    • Securing Financing
    • The Legal Side of Your Business
    • Location, Location, Location!
    • First Things First: Utilities, Insurances, Registrations, & More
    • Building Out Your New Space
    • Filling Your New Office
    • Establishing Your Policies, Pricing & Fees
    • HR & Team Recruitment
    • High Velocity Launch!🚀  
  • On-Demand access to videos, The DIY Launchpad Calculators, & dozens of downloadable resources
  • VIP Pass to participate in the monthly Cold Start Corner Masterclass to ask questions & learn in a group-setting 

Immediately after purchase, you will receive access to the modules, calculators, & resources, providing you the DIY Launchpad to plan, develop, & launch your private practice!

There are no additional services included. No refunds on digital products.

What People Are Saying:

After practicing for a large multispecialty practice for 10 years it was time to step out on my own. Of course, the question is "Where do I start?" That's when I made the call Akrinos. I really felt like their step-by-step process made things easier for me. From developing a business plan, to securing financing options, to implementing those plans; Akrinos makes the process as smooth as possible. Akrinos' passion for modern eyecare is unmatched, and they take the success of their clients personally. They are truly partners in your success. -Dr. JF

Dr. JF